
Guided Tour: curated by_vienna 2015: Tomorrow Today ?It's Money Jim, but not as we know it? curated by Katerina Gregos

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Führung
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Freitag 25. September 2015
25. Sep. 2015
Guided Tour: curated by_vienna 2015: Tomorrow Today ?It's Money Jim, but not as we know it? curated by Katerina Gregos

The guided tour starts Friday, September 25th, 2015, 6 pm at The Guesthouse Vienna, Führichgasse 10, 1010 Vienna. The tour will include visits to Galerie Charim, Galerie Ernst Hilger, Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Galerie Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Projektraum Viktor Bucher.

The group exhibition ?It’s Money Jim, but not as we know it? reflects on the changing status and understanding of money, as well as its use and role in the contemporary world.

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