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Vortrag von Jamika Ajalon veranstaltet vom Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (PCAP) im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung IBK Sommersemester 2018
The dominant (western) narrative works to sequester fluidity of voice and agency – to maintain a power structure which feeds on the subjugation of the ?othered.? Manufactured systems of reality become indistinguishable from what we experience on a day to day. This legacy of the existing power structures reliance on a faux Grand Narrative, which places the mono-chromed phallocentric at centre, is centuries old. However, for just as long, and longer, ?other worlds/realities? have existed, and resisted the dominant parole, often through the force of the creative.
Jamika Ajalon will speak to how the form and content of her work reflects the way in which art, the fusion of different and layered mediums, (text, sound, visual, and so on), can be used not only to disrupt dominant narrative but brings to the surface a continuance of resistance. The content of much of many of her projects, whether it be, sound, music, text or visual manipulation, integrates ideas around fugitivity & resistance with memory & agency. Ajalon asks to how we can manipulate the created, found, and/or imagined ?data? and/or elements in fusion/collusion – to open space for radically alternative narratives which give way to radically alternative futures.
Jamika Ajalon CV: I am inter-disciplinary artist who works with different mediums independently, but also in multiple fusions – incorporating written and spoken text, sound/music, and visuals. A nomad, I grew up in the USA but have lived for years in Europe, including England, and France. During travels (including countries in Africa) I have met and collaborated with other artists, academics, who challenge ?frontiers? (external borders as well as internalized) and are planting seeds. A science fiction nerd, I have always looked at ?space? as a place to realize and talk about possible futures. My publications and performances have been diverse. They include a series of audio-visual anti-lectures which explore memory, and nomadic subjectivity through an ?afro-futurist lens. As I roam, I have had the good fortune to perform, record, tour , publish and exhibit/screen my work in Vienna London, Berlin, South Africa, Senegal, Kampala, Paris…
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