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Wednesday with?
Soli Kiani, Nadine Lemke, David Meran, Julian Palacz, Christiana Perschon, Marie Reichel, Bárbara Palomino Ruiz
Hegelgasse 14 I entrance: Schwarzenbergstraße 5, 1010 Vienna.
Language: German and English
Admission free!
studio das weisse haus is pleased to announce the launch of Wednesday with? – a new series to foster not only artistic exchange. Moreover, we are eager to enable a public discourse, and a critical examination of current tendencies within the art context from the perspective of various actors. Various formats, such as lectures, presentations, discussions or screenings will be held in German and/or English.
We cordially invite you to the kick-off session on January 31, 2018 at 6 pm with our local artists Soli Kiani, Nadine Lemke, David Meran, Julian Palacz, Christiana Perschon, Marie Reichel, and Bárbara Palomino Ruiz. Inspired by the so-called format Pecha Kucha, they will give short presentations on their artistic practice. These presentations will be followed by an informal talk with drinks.