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What is war? Why do we need money? What do you dream of? What do you fear? These are some of the questions Dejan Kaludjerovi? asked children from different socio-economic backgrounds in Austria, Azerbejian, Iran, Israel, Russia and Serbia. The output mirrors the contemporary world with all its violence, contradictions, clichés and fears, but also makes place for occasional surprises or even hope in the next generation. Dejan Kaludjerovi?? open-ended, research-driven artwork Conversations and the eponymous book lead to discuss the role of research-based art and the insights it produces, especially as an alternative to other forms of artistic meaning-making and expression.
Jelena Petrovi?, art theorist and curator, Belgrade/Vienna
Mohammad Salemy, critic, artist and curator, Berlin
Klaus Speidel, philosopher, critic and curator, Vienna
Moderation: Barbara Reisinger, art historian, critic, editor, Vienna/Basel
Dejan Kaludjerovi?: Conversations. Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien 2018
Dejan Kaludjerovi?: Conversations. Ausstellung bis 30.9.2018, Weltmuseum Wien