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Saturday, 3rd November
16:00 – 17:30 Panel I
“The Visoions of Past / The Aftermath — Are We Living a Dreamy Future of 1968’s Struggle?”
Examining the aftermath of ‘68 in contemporary art theory and practice. Is the legacy of ‘68 in any way reflected in the work of the millennial generation of artists and curators? How do they interpret these struggles, convictions and ideology? What’s the role of Art Universities and other institutions in administrating and questioning this heritage?
Hedwig Saxenhuber – curator (Austria)
Darko Fritz – curator, artist (Croatia)
Moderator: Anamarija Batista, researcher and curator (Austria/former Yugoslavia)
17:30 – 18:00 Coffee break
18:00 – 19:30 Panel II
“Curating New Utopias: 1968 as an incentive in the case of the Curators’ Agenda Exhibition”
Is the new age a time of a form or of a substance? Does the art practice of the millennialls deal with simply fulfilling the form or is there a content which reflects a freedom of thought enabled by the generations of students back in 1968?
In the framework of the project ”Curators’ Agenda: Vienna 2018”, 8 international emerging curators created an exhibition around the topic of new utopias, with selected artworks from the students of the Viennese University of Applied Arts . This has provided a unique opportunity for us to see how these international curators are understanding the art practice of the Viennese based emerging artists, its possible similarities and contrasts with the generation of emerging artists in ‘68, their perception on the society they live, concept of freedom of thought,…
Kathrin Heinrich – art critic, AICA Prize for Young Art Criticism 2018 (Austria)
Nina Rokvic – emerging curator, participant of the Curators’ Agenda 2018
Lisa Grosskopf – artist and student of the University of Applied Arts, participant of the exhibition “Tomorrow is Cancelled”, exhibition in the framework of Curators’ Agenda 2018
Moderators: Nevena Janković, cultural producer, director of BLOCKFREI and co-initiator of Curators’ Agenda (Serbia/Austria)
and Eva Kovač, art historian and co-ordinator of Curators’ Agenda (Croatia/Austria)
The project is supported by the Federal Chancellery of Austria.
Project partners the University of Applied Arts Vienna