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The presentation will focus on an reseach-driven artistic project entitled “The Formaldenyde trip” that consists on a series of videos, songs and performances dedicated to a murdered indigenous environmental activist.
Addressing racialized women’s stories of resistance against dispossession of their lands, cultures and bodies, the presentation will unfold strategies from an artistic research project engaged with a queer of color perspective inciting demands for decolonization.
Naomi Rincón Gallardo (*1979) based in Mexico City, currently living in Vienna. Her work addresses initiatives concerning the creation of counter-worlds within neocolonial settings. Through masquerade lenses she creates a place between radical alternatives, fantasy and crises of beliefs. Naomi Rincón Gallardo integrates her interest in music, D.I.Y aesthetics, speculative fiction, theater games, humor, decolonial and anti-racist feminisms, queer theory and critical pedagogy into her work. She is a current candidate for the PhD in Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.