
Late Breakfast with Doringer III Event

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17. Mai
- https://www.facebook.com/events/457398248823813
Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Vortrag

Late Breakfast with Doringer III: Aesthetics of Exclusion

Aesthetics of Exclusion
Talk with Sjoerd ter Borg
Aesthetics of Exclusion is a collective of artists, designers, coders and scientists that uses computer vision techniques and machine learning to explore and analyse aesthetical styles that relate to gentrification and processes of (urban) homogenisation through large image archives such as (Google) StreetView and Instagram.
It aims to study the visual patterns of gentrification: an urban phenomenon that is reflected in the decrease of diversity in classes, ethnicities, races, sexualities, languages, and points of view from central city neighbourhoods; and their replacement by more homogeneous groups. While a lot of research has focused on the socio-economic causes and effects of this process, its aesthetics have remained understudied. Computation present new opportunities to research ‘the visual’ on a large scale and make it possible to question, explore and document processes of urban homogenisation.
More information: www.aestheticsofexclusion.com

Late Breakfast with Doringer
At the Social Design Studio*
ZOOM ID 455 161 7763
*Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Vienna

Late Breakfast with Doringer is a five-part series with artist Bogomir Doringer and is a cooperation of two departments of the University for Applied Arts Vienna: Site-Specific Art and Social Design - Arts as Urban Innovation and the Artists-in-Residence program of Q21 / MQ


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