
curated by: Extraneous Practices

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Kunstfestival Kunstausstellung
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 28. September 2022
28. Sep. 2022
curated by: Extraneous Practices

Extraneous Practices (For Htein Lin and Vicky Bowman)
at E X I L E, Elisabethstraße 24, 1010 Vienna
Online talks with invited speakers and the artists.

A subtle yet perhaps radical act, the matka left on the doorstep, is also a collective recognition of thirst. This extraneous element disrupts (–puts a foot in–) the doorstep, the piazza, the courtyard, leaving the door open for territories out of territory to emerge, or as we say for extra-territories. These everyday spaces become extraterritorial through the possibilities they present us with.

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Meeting-ID: 895 3889 0780
Code: 185378

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