
VAW Live Talk: Christina Werner

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Diskussion Offenes Atelier
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1 Termin
Dienstag 8. November 2022
8. Nov. 2022
VAW Live Talk: Christina Werner

Join us to meet Open Studio Days Artist @christinawerner, who we will have an IG Live Talk with on Tuesday, 8th November 2022 at 6 pm!

The focus of Christina Werner´s artistic work lies in the examination of the themes of identity, migration, memory culture and nation-building. Often her works are linked to socio-political issues and by using research as the basis for her artistic activities, background information, personal contact and/or archive material often result in links that enter her work.

We are excited to learn more about her practice and it´s relation to our motto „Challenging Orders“!

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