
IG Live Talk: Lena Lieselotte Schuster

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Diskussion Führung Offenes Atelier
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Dienstag 20. Juni 2023
20. Juni 2023
IG Live Talk: Lena Lieselotte Schuster

On Tuesday it is time for another conversation about art, passion and what to expect at this year´s Open Studio Days!

Join us to meet Lena Lieselotte Schuster, and possibly her partner in crime Paris, in our live talk on Tuesday 20th June at 6pm!

Lena Lieselotte Schuster is an artist researching in the field of Performance and Interspecies Art. In 2021, she founded the Interspecies Art Association to support collaborations between human and non-human artists.

We are looking forward!

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