
IG Live Talk: Sattva Giacosa

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Diskussion Führung Offenes Atelier
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1 Termin
Dienstag 1. August 2023
1. Aug. 2023
IG Live Talk: Sattva Giacosa

Join us for another Live-Talk on 1st August! We will meet Open Studio Days artist Sattva Giacosa, talk about her work, passion and might get a sneak peek into her studio!

Sattva Giacosa´s photographic work moves between social documentary and fine art photography, focusing on social issues such as migration, labor, representation and feminism. She uses the camera as a tool to reshape time and transform events, capturing herself and her surroundings to address feelings of displacement, questioning representation and the role of photography.

We are looking forward!

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