
Defensio PhD-in-Practice Event

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14. November
Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Vortrag Präsentation

11h – 13h
Einladung zur Defensio von Janine Jembere

Das PhD-in-Practice-Programm der Akademie der bildenden Künste lädt herzlich zur Defensio von Janine Jemberes Dissertation Dissonance – Sensual Hierarchies and Colonial Reverberations of/in Sound ein.
Mitglieder des Prüfungssenats sind: Dr. Ruby Jana Sircar (Vorsitzende), Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Anette Baldauf (1. Betreuerin), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Lorenz (2. Betreuerin) und María do Mar Castro Varela (externe Gutachterin, ASH Berlin).

How can thinking with/through sound and listening yield insights into living despite the colonial order? What role does sensory perception play in destabilising long standing power relations? And how to translate a sonic space into (academic) writing? The project is a preliminary documentation of an ongoing process and engagement with dissonance (disturbance of order) and sound (travelling waves).

Janine Jembere is an artist and learner based in Vienna. Her work often is collaborative and focuses senses and the body, questioning concepts of representation and translatability, ableism, race and gender. She is interested in the resonances of embodied knowledge, and the concept of dissonance as a tool to live within difference.

Die Defensio wird in englischer Sprache und in Raum DG 6 stattfinden.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie bei der Defensio begrüßen zu dürfen.

16h – 18h
Einladung zur Defensio von Masha Godovannaya

Das PhD-in-Practice-Programm der Akademie der bildenden Künste lädt herzlich zur Defensio von Masha Godovannayas Dissertation Queer Partisaning: Traces of Queer Relationality as Cinematic Errantry ein.

Mitglieder des Prüfungssenats sind: Mag. Dr. Moira Hille (Vorsitzende), Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Anette Baldauf (1. Betreuerin), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Lorenz (2. Betreuerin) und Kim Knowles (externe Gutachterin, Aberystwyth University).

My PhD artistic inquiry Queer Partisaning: Traces of Queer Relationality as Cinematic Errantry centers around the concept of queer relationality and frames experimental cinema as an aesthetically potent realm where queer relations can sprout, be practiced, visually experienced, and aesthetically traced through, with and as filmmaking, and through, with and as films. I see my inquiry – cinematic errantry through queer relationality – as a rhizomatic thought where qualitative social science research, refunctioned auto\ethnography, queer theory, and experimental cinema are intertwined and stitched – or rather montaged – together into a dense weave with and through methods of post-qualitative inquiry, decolonial and queer approaches.

Masha Godovannaya (born 1976, Moscow, USSR/Russia) is an experimental filmmaker, queer-feminist researcher, curator, and educator. Approaching art production as artistic research and collective action, Masha’s artistic and scholarly practices draw on combinations of approaches and spheres such as moving image theory, experimental cinema, and DIY video tradition, social science, post-soviet/postsocialists studies, queer theory, and decolonial methodologies.

Die Defensio wird in englischer Sprache und in Raum DG 6 stattfinden.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie bei der Defensio begrüßen zu dürfen.


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