
Dissonance and Incommensurability: On value in the age of extraction

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Vortrag Performance
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 24. Jänner 2024
24. Jän. 2024
Dissonance and Incommensurability: On value in the age of extraction

Dissonance and Incommensurability:
On value in the age of extraction

The precedence of financial value, and economical thinking and logic, has been wholly and manifestly normalized under capitalism. However, this anthropocentric quantitative measurement is increasingly incommensurable with the actual effects of the misogyno-capitalocene.
This performative lecture will examine this space of dissonance from an ecosexual feminist perspective, positing non-anthropocentric queer ethics of value in the face of the multiple human-induced crises that are currently unfolding across the globe.

Angela Anderson, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

In cooperation with PhD in Practice, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


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