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9. to 13. June 2010 @ Projektwerksatt SOHO, 1160 Vienna, Schellhammergasse 24 (corner Hubergasse)
THE SHELTER PROJECT brings together 25 International artists and theorists on the theme of SHELTER. Multicultural, cross-disciplinary. New artwork, new talks, new questions.
In this 21st century culture of in-between spaces, determined by increasingly typical experiences of movement, disorientation, and hyper-mediation, has shelter become an attitude, a movable state-of-mind? Is shelter a concrete place, or a less tangible notion of connected experiences and relationships–the sum of one’s lived experience carried within? How much do our cultural narratives form our ideas of shelter? Who has access to shelter, who does not? When is shelter life-affirming and when does it become a form of constraint? THE SHELTER PROJECT examines these and other questions from multiple perspectives through related projects that manifest art’s relationship to that which is both personal and political. What does shelter mean to you?
Exhibition hours:
10, 11, 12, 13 June
12:00 - 18:00
10 June 18:00 TALKS
Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Columbia/Austria
Monika Mokre, Austria
Wolfgang Suetzl, Austria
12 June
18:00 SOHO Presents
20:00 Performance by Luis Lara Malvacias and others to be announced
All events are free & open to everyone.
ontributing Artists: Ruth Bianco, Video / Jean Marie Casbarian, Video / Miranda Clark, Photography / Fishpool, Mixed Media + Performance / Simon Donovan, Mixed Media / Nicolas Dumit Estevez & Jonny Farrow, Audio / Nina Goldnagl, Photography / Niki Hampton, Mixed Media / Victoria Hindley, Photography / Renee Kildow, Photography / Knoll + Cella, Photography / Luis Lara Malvacias, Choreography + Performance with Ivo Bol + Jeremy Nelson / Karen Marshall, Photography / Freya Olafson, Video / Victoria Oscarsson, Poetry / Heidi Phillips, Video / Patricia Sellmer, Mixed Media / Wolfgang Schneider, Video / Beatrix Zobl, Mixed Media + Performance Contributing Speakers: Josefina Eschavarria Alvarez, Monika Mokre, + Wolfgang Suetzl
SHELTER is organized by Victoria Hindley, Nina Goldnagl, and Wolfgang Suetzl, in collaboration with Beatrix Zobl, Wolfgang Schneider, TRANSART COLLECTIVE (int\'l), and SOHO IN OTTAKRING