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AG Migration and Anti-racism
“Ventil Rassismus? NO Racism!” Discussion on collective political practices
with Usnija Buligovic (Thara), Dominic Mariochokwu Gilbert aka Item 7 (Recherchegruppe zu Schwarzer österreichischer Geschichte und Gegenwart/Pamoja), Marina Grzinic (Reartikulacija), Marissa Lobo (Maiz), Simone (BORDERCROSS Kollektiv)
The recent analysis is informing us that the subjugation of the self i.e. of the subject or human being has become the subjugation of the self to the extreme degree i.e. extreme subjectification that imposes extreme passivity and individualism (Borcila & Nae). The self is seen in its co-dependence on the long history of capitalism. Racism is tolerated as some kind of social mechanism that compensate for other pressures imposed upon societies. Thus, racism is conceptualized as regulator (ventil) necessary for the “normal” wellbeing of societies. On the other hand, capitalist structures are imposing control, fragmentization, individualization and particularization through identity politics. Subjects are uniting on the basis of the fiction of ethnicity, nation, etc. Therefore, struggles focus on gaining one more right for one specific group within the system that functions through the rule of non-rights as complement of rights, system that is excluding while including. Structural issues related to capitalism that is based on exploitation and functions through construction of race (besides other mechanisms) are not taken in consideration. In order to intervene in such frame, we would like to discuss different proposals or forms of organization: from self-organization to extreme-organization conceptualized because, as said, due to the extreme subjectification by capital today, the concept of self organization is becoming less and less able to account for the radical political intervention within/against the global neo-liberal capitalist order (Grzinic). Furthermore, we want to discuss what kind of strategies and analysis we need today.
In English and German
The panel discussion is part of the project “AG Migration und Antirassismus SOHO Projekt” initiated by AG Migration and Anti-racism that was constituted within the university protests in Vienna 2009/2010.
Place: Radowanhalle (neben Café AN-DO), Yppenplatz 11-15 1160 Wien
Marina Grzinic, “Reartikulacija: from Self-organization Towards Extreme-organization”, Reartikulacija 4, http://www.reartikulacija.org/?p=194
Rozalinda Borcil? & Cristian Nae, “Past Futures: Extreme Subjectification. The Engineering of the Future and the Instrumentalization of Life”, http://www.borcila.com/final_article1\.pdf