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Im_flieger INVITES Adriana Cubides / Charlotta Ruth / Clelia Colonna
So. 25. April 2010
18.00 Uhr
Eintritt: EUR 5,-
We came together, out of the necessity and wish to experiment and collaborate upon ideas that would usually need a round of paper work in order to be accomplished. By spontaneously squeezing 2 hours here and there, on the phone or on skype, in our living rooms, outdoors, we catch opportunities to develop and frame current work for an audience.
Through the format of the Im_flieger INVITES we have the opportunity to reflect upon our way of collaborating.
How do we observe, understand and deal with our difference in the approach of an idea? Till which extent do ideas belong to someone? Where are the borders of authorship in our collaboration? How can an idea become autonomous and carry the process forward and think whereas discussion-performance can become a piece-format?
We will discuss by doing and make sure not to fall in the trap of blending our opposing approaches but rather boil-fry-mash each other into steaming the work.
von und mit:
Adriana Cubides / Charlotta Ruth / Clelia Colonna
Im Rahmen von Im_flieger INVITES werden wir über die Art unserer Zusammenarbeit reflektieren und folgende Fragestellungen aufgreifen:
In welchem Ausmaß “gehört” eine betimmte Idee jemandem? Wo sind die Grenzen der Autorenschaft in unserer Kollaboration? Wie kann eine Idee sich verselbständigen und den gesamten Prozess vorantreiben? Und kann aus einem performativ-diskursiven Format eine Performance im Sinne eines “Stücks” werden?