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Digital DJ Workshop April 25th
The Digital DJ Workshop is coming up next weekend, Sunday April 25th
This is a Beginners Digital DJ Course using Ableton Live. Some of the
activities include: Setting up a DJ Template in Ableton, Warping, Effects
and Processing, Midi Set up for DJing, Recording a DJ Mix, Tricks and Tips.
***Please bring 10 songs that you want to include in your DJ mix.
Electro Hammam - Digital DJ Workshop
Date: Sunday April 25th, 2010
Location: Verein08, Piaristengasse 60, A-1080 Vienna (http://www.verein08\.at)
Hours: 1pm - 7pm
Cost: 65E (day)
Reservations: Send email to hezekinapollutina@gmail.com
Requirements for Course:
* Beginners Ableton Workshop or have experience working with Ableton.
* Ableton Live Suite Software: Please download the free trial version before arriving: http://www.ableton.com/downloads
* Laptop with Wifi
* Headphones
* **Optional: Midi Controller & Audio Interface
Electro Hammam: Electronic Music Workshops