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Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe ,,Cinema and Human Rights” soll mit Hilfe von Dokumentarfilmen menschenrechtliche Herausforderungen aufgegriffen werden und in anschließenden Podiumsdiskussionen aus den Perspektiven von in der Forschungsplattform vertretenen Disziplinen (Recht, Psychologie, Entwicklungsstudien, Wirtschaft etc) analysiert und mit dem Publikum anschließend diskutiert werden.
Tomas Skrdlant, CZ 2010, OmeU, digital, 95 min.
DREHBUCH Tomas Skrdlant KAMERA Frantisek Chmela, Filip Havelka, Tomas Skrdlant SCHNITT Tomas Skrdlant DRAMATURGIE Daniela Fischerova, Hana Jemelikova, Veronika Sobkova
Director Tomas Skrdlant describes his documentary as being “about living a good life with an unfortunate destiny - going back to live among people and returning to human life with all its imperfections.” Incredibly, for 20 years, he followed the fate of his five protagonists, who were rejected by their parents after being born with serious disabilities. With the deliberate use of loosely interwoven portraits, we follow their journey from childhood in an institution to their coming of age and subsequent efforts to fully integrate into adult life. We watch them from the time they were locked up in institutions under communism, when they were strictly prohibited from having contact with “normal” society, up to the present day, when most of them have started their own families. Skrdlant`s intimate and enormously sensitive documentary is definitely not a sad example of several unhappy destinies, but instead offers an uplifting confirmation of all the things that can be achieved by a handicapped person with a strong will. Last year, the film won the Pavel Koutecky Award for best Czech documentary (Quelle: One World Human Rights Film Festival 2010).
Podiumsdiskussion im Anschluss
,,Cinema and Human Rights” ist eine Veranstaltung der Forschungsplattform ,,Human Rights in the European Context” an der Universität Wien und des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Menschenrechte.