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Enable! Profound Innovation in Society, Economy & Knowledge
Exploring a new paradigm for bringing forth
game-changing innovation
March 18-20, 2010, Vienna
Mechanistic models and a deterministic worldview may have worked well for the last centuries, but are not apt for the upcoming challenges we are facing today. Rather, we need completely different concepts and attitudes, accepting that the underlying processes escape our control and are unpredictable. It seems that the concept of “Enabling” is the key to this shift of thinking. Enabling is the art of carefully configuring adequate levers (physical space, networks, resources, etc.) that best support specific innovation processes, such as idea generation, prototyping, market entry, etc..
08:30 Doors opening
09:15 - 12:30 Framing Talks
The convention starts with four selected keynotes that will frame the context of the event. Markus PESCHL will guide and introduce the following presenters to you:
– Michel BAUWENS, An integrative approach to enabling open infrastructures, Abstract
– Florian BRODY, Enabling the Right Mindset, Abstract
– Silja GRAUPE, And the Ruler of the Central Sea was “Chaos” - Cherishing Chaos from Asian Perspectives, Abstract
– Stefan WILTSCHNIG, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 17:30 Workshops | Deep-dive session
These sessions will be dedicated to in-depth dialogs and hands-on workshops. Three rooms will each explore the potentials of bridging two of the following themes. Further, you can organize individual meetups for specific/emerging themes, we will dedicate a separate room for this. Registration for the workshops can be done at the conference registration desk, on Friday morning, March 19 (so be early to reserve a seat at your favorite session!)
Workhop 1: Enabling Structures meet Enabling Metamorphoses
Facilitator: Stefan Wiltschnig
– Sava Dalbokov, Cross-pollinate! Financial and Support Platforms for Social Development, Abstract
– Jean-Henry Morin, Social-Micro-Innovation : Leveraging the Crowds as co-Innovation Enabler, Abstract
Workshop 2: Enabling Networks Patterns meet Enabling Ambiences
Facilitator: Stefan Blachfellner
– Franz Nahrada, Global Villages as Enabling Environments, Abstract
– Kerstin Sailer, The Social Function of Buildings, Abstract
– Stefan Camenzind, Enabling Workplace Design - How would you love to work?, Abstract
Workshop 3: Enabling Ambiences meet Enabling Structures
Facilitator: Veronika Hornung-Prähauser
– Melinda Sipos, Cooking at KIBU, Abstract
– Christoph Chorherr