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Enable! Profound Innovation in Society, Economy & Knowledge
Exploring a new paradigm for bringing forth
game-changing innovation
March 18-20, 2010, Vienna
Mechanistic models and a deterministic worldview may have worked well for the last centuries, but are not apt for the upcoming challenges we are facing today. Rather, we need completely different concepts and attitudes, accepting that the underlying processes escape our control and are unpredictable. It seems that the concept of "Enabling" is the key to this shift of thinking. Enabling is the art of carefully configuring adequate levers (physical space, networks, resources, etc.) that best support specific innovation processes, such as idea generation, prototyping, market entry, etc..
10:00 - 18:30 First Day Deep Dive | Vienna Enablers
Vienna displays a vibrant community of innovation enablers,
so the first day is dedicated to these actors. We will visit the following networks, organisations, hubs and organise a bus to drive around!:
– 10.00 meeting at the Volksoper
– 10.20-11.20 Vienna Startup Weekend
– 11.40-12.40 The hub
13.00-14.30 Lunch break at WerkzeugH
– 14.50-15.50 Metalab
– 16.10-17.10 Spaces01
– 17.30-18.30 creativwirtschaft Austria
18:30 - 21:00 Opening Cocktail at Raum D, Museumsquartier
All conference attendees are invited to share a drink at the evening of the first day.