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New Media - New User Behaviour
The Vienna Film Fund, in collaboration with FilmTiki, would like to invite you to a panel discussion on
“New Media - New User Behaviour. Digitalisation’s Impact on the TV and Film Industry”.
The event will take place in Vienna on 28 January 2010 and features renowned industry experts.
This event is aimed at anyone interested in the latest trend in user behaviour. Broadband, Video on Demand, mobile devices and social networks have changed user behaviour dramatically in these past few years. We are dealing with TV as a secondary medium, as well as time-shifted use of TV and films on devices outside the home.
Our experts will discuss how TV and Film producers can deal with these changing patterns of media use.
Date: 28 January 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: RAUM D, quartier 21, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Entry: free
Registration: via expertenrunde@filmfonds-wien.at until 27 January 2010
The event is limited to 75 attendees. On registration please tell us your name, profession and company/organisation.
Live-Stream: A live stream of the event is availabe on 28 January 2010 from 6:00pm CEST at
6:00pm Welcome - Severin Moritzer
6:15pm Keynote - Jan Krone
6:30pm Discussion
8:00pm Nibbles & networking
Severin Moritzer - responsible for TV funding at the Vienna Film Fund.
Iris Lamprecht - (Social) Media expert and founder/CEO of FilmTiki.com.
Thomas Bogner - film producer and CEO of Neue Sentimental Film Austria AG.
Dr. Helmut Brandstätter - CEO and founder of Brandstätter Business Communications.
Peter Dollack - head of the ORF-TVthek.
Mag. Markus Gaderer LL.M. - copyright attorney and partner at Bruckmüller, Zeitler Rechtsanwälte GmbH.
Prof. (FH) Dr. Jan Krone - head of the Institute for Media Economics at Fachhochschule St. Pölten.
Fabian Topfstedt - co-founder of schnee von morgen webTV GmbH.