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Marius Engh
An Aggregation of Adversary
Opening: 21.1.2010, 6 pm
Exhibition: 22.1. - 13.3.2010
The project “An Aggregation of Adversary” consists of four objects and a series of photographic works.
Employing the case of Teufelsberg - a historical hillside in Berlin - Engh is looking at its continuous
shifts between architecture and ruin. Appropriating fragments from its recent buildings and reconstructing
them as objects which belong to the “non-design” of the recent listening station such as a wall structure,
a modular floor, a window offering no view, and a shell from a radar dome. With the same kind of logic
the photo series “Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way” consists of 14 pictures showing spatial situations
of the site on the top of the Teufelsberg.