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Do., 07. Januar 2010, ab 19h
das neue Jahr & das letzte Cabaret Tesla
Dejan Kaludjerovi? & corresponding performance by Suzana Chana (ca 21h)
Improvisation is the practice of acting, singing, talking and reacting, of making and creating, in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one’s immediate environment and inner feelings. This can result in the invention of new thought patterns, new practices, new structures or symbols, and/or new ways to act. This invention cycle occurs most effectively when the practitioner has a thorough intuitive and technical understanding of the necessary skills and concerns within the improvised domain. Improvisation can be thought of as an “on the spot” or “off the cuff” spontaneous activity.
Dejan Kaludjerovi? (1972, Belgrad) ist bildender Künstler aus Serbien, seit 2003 lebt und arbeitet er in Wien.
Einzel- & internationale Gruppenausstellungen (Auszug):
Museum für Zeitegenössische Kunst Belgrad, Manifesta 4, Frankfurt; I. Beijing Biennale;
43., 44., 45. und 46. Oktober Salon in Belgrad; Museum of Modern Art, St. Etienne; Kunstpavillon Innsbruck; Viennabiennale; 28th International
Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljubljana etc.
vertreten von: Galerie Steinek in Wien und der Ganes Pratt Galerie in Ljubljana