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Vernissage der Ausstellung
der polnischen VisualistInnen EleKTro mOOn Vision
Der Salon Projektionist dankt für die Untstützung durch das Polnische Institut Wien
[URBAN.LAB] exhibition will present audio-visual works of the Polish-Hungarian duo EleKTro mOOn Vision.
The duo lives and works among three cities: Krakow-Budapest-Vienna feeling that there is one world under one sky. In the very personal work [URBAN.LAB] they put these three urban spaces under the digital research handling each city as a complex living organism with structured personality which evolves, mutates and transforms giving them a living space and inspirations. The city is a raw material to work on, which is put under the observation using a camera and heard by a microphone and then interpreted by the artists using computer technologies, exploring the city on the following axis: energy - space - technology. The result brings the unpredictable and unique audiovisual experience.
The third part of the project based on the city of Vienna is to be fulfilled during the 3 weeks residency of Elwira Wojtunik in this city and will complete the trilogy in the mid-time of the exhibition. Beside the [URBAN.LAB] in the salon there will be presented other a/v works of EleKTro mOOn Vision including the 1st prize-winning short film Missed Train at the KrakOFF Short Forms 2007.