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MIZZO and M8
Burggasse 24
October 23rd 19h-22h
We are proud to present the long awaited female artist show featuring the two swiss artists Mizzo and M8. Despite having very different styles the two have found many ways to combine their art so that they complement each other nicely. Whereas Mizzo tends to combine old and new working often with found materials and toned down colors, M8 uses bold shapes and bright colors always in search of the perfect reduced form.
“I love to travel and put up my art where i enjoy it the most, outside on the street, inside on the walls, on roofs, hidden somewhere to be found, or somewhere obvious where everyone can see it. It exists without permission, can be shown without judgement from other people. Its this that makes this art form so special.” - M8
“Street painting for me came later. It’s such an simple, great thing to paint with friends on a huge wall in the fresh air…I love it.” - Mizzo
The Exhibition “Zirkus” will be on display from October 23rd - November 14th. The opening will be between 19h-22h on October 23rd.
Afterparty details: Will be announced at the vernissage. At 24h Graffiti Reserach Lab will be presenting their latest project the “Eye Writer.” Location announced at afterparty.