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Lernen / Learning
4. Internationaler Heinz von Foerster-Congress
12.-14. November 2009
veranstaltet von der Heinz von Foerster-Gesellschaft, dem Wiener Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik (WISDOM), dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien und der American Society for Cybernetics (ASC)
Universität Wien, Hauptgebäude
A-1010 Wien, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
Rathaus, Festsaal (am 12.11.2009)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Morning Lectures (09:00-12:35) Großer Festsaal
Chair: Theo Hug
09:00-09:50 Kersten Reich
Subjektives und soziales Lernen
09:50-10:40 Pille Bunnell
The Role of Love, Trust and Intimacy in Learning
Chair: Pille Bunnell
10:55-11:45 Alfred Inselberg
The Multidimensional Learning Detective … a Bit of Mischief
11:45-12:35 Stuart A. Umpleby, Emil Nedev
A Reflexive View of a Transdisciplinary Field: The Example of Cybernetics
Afternoon Lectures
Learning in Society and Nature III (14:00 - 16:00) Großer Festsaal
Chair: Stuart Umpleby
14:00-14:40 Czeslaw Mesjasz
Do We Know What We Do Not Know? Weaknesses of Discourse on Management of Complex Learning Organization
14:40-15:20 Felicia Hönig
“2x2=grün” - Creative Learning and Learning Creativity
15:20-16:00 Susanne Kratochwil, Josef Benedikt, Armin Reautschnig, Christian Bischof
Spacing / Naming
Constructivism II (14:00 - 16:00) Senatssaal
Chair: Ranulph Glanville
14:00-14:40 Bernard Scott
Comparing Conceptions of Learning: Pask and Luhmann I
14:40-15:20 Eva Buchinger
Comparing Conceptions of Learning: Pask and Luhmann II,
15:20-16:00 Richard Jung
Timid Constructivism and Mechanisms of Defense in Context of Indo-European Critical Philosophy
Learning in Society and Nature IV (16:30 - 18:30) Großer Festsaal
Chair: Karl H. Müller
16:30-17:10 Nikolay Petrov
Probality and Orderliness in the Society and in Education
17:10-17:50 Elisabeth Zimmermann, Brigitte Römmer-Nossek, Markus F. Peschl
Enabling Teaching and Learning Interdisciplinarity in a Constructivist Setting. Cognitive Science – a Case Study
17:50-18:30 Markus F. Peschl, Stefan Wiltschnig
Enabling Insights and Profound Innovation
Learning and Education II (16:30 - 18:30) Senatssaal
Chair: Albert Müller
16:30-17:10 Theo Hug
On the Mediation of Learning - Constructivist Perspectives between All or Nothing
17:10-17:50 Mark Johnson, Dai Griffiths
Cybernetics and the ‘Rhetoric’ of Technical Intervention in Education
17:50-18:30 Tatiana Medvedeva, Stuart Umpleby
Service Learning as an Example of a Constructivist Approach to Education
Plenum (18:30-19:30) Großer Festsaal
18:30-19:00 Paul Schröder
Heinz von Foerster’s Routes to Subversive Learning
19:00-19:30 In Memoriam Peter Krieg