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Lernen / Learning
4. Internationaler Heinz von Foerster-Congress
12.-14. November 2009
veranstaltet von der Heinz von Foerster-Gesellschaft, dem Wiener Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik (WISDOM), dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien und der American Society for Cybernetics (ASC)
Universität Wien, Hauptgebäude
A-1010 Wien, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
Rathaus, Festsaal (am 12.11.2009)
Friday, November 13, 2009
07:30-08:30 Registration
08:30-9:00 Welcome Address
Karl H. Müller, Thomas von Foerster, Andreas von Foerster
Andrea Schmölzer (BMWF)
Morning Lectures (09:00-12:35)
Großer Festsaal
Chair: Karl H. Müller
09:00-09:50 John H. Holland
The Future of the Biology/Computer Connection
09:50-10:40 Margaret Boden
From Goethe to Goodwin–via von Foerster
Chair: Albert Müller
10:55-11:45 Ranulph Glanville
Designing Learning
11:45-12:35 Siegfried J. Schmidt (Video)
Selbstorganisation und Lernkultur
Afternoon Lectures
Learning in Society and Nature I (14:00 - 16:00) Großer Festsaal
Chair: Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt
14:00-14:40 Marco Bettoni
Community Learning in a Network of Researchers: An Experiment in Socialized Knowledge Management
14:40-15:20 Gernot Falkner, Renate Falkner
Autopoietic Information Processing by Cyanobacteria during Adaptation to Environmental Phosphate Fluctuations
15:20-16:00 Jan Müggenburg
A Dynamic Signal Analyzer. Analysis and Synthesis of Speech at the Biological Computer Laboratory
Learning and Education I (14:00 - 16:00)
Chair: Stuart Umpleby
14:00-14:40 Bernhard Pörksen
Der didaktische Imperativ. Aporien und Paradoxien als zentrale Ressourcen des Lernens
14:40-15:20 Inga Krättli
The Principles of Evolution and Entropy in Viable Education Modelling - Limits of Operationalism - The Role of Socio-Cybernetics in Solving Educational Problems
15:20-16:00 Johannes Lugger
Origin of the Originals. The Use of Images in Management Education - A Case Study
Learning in Society and Nature II (16:30 - 18:30) Großer Festsaal
Chair: Markus Peschl
16:30-17:10 Adrian Lucas
An Experimental Organization
17:10-17:50 Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt
Learn to Decelerate. Acceleration and Deceleration as Social Constructions in Modern Societies
17:50-18:30 Sabine Laaha, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Wolfgang U. Dressler
Probabilistic Learning of German Noun Plurals
Constructivism I (16:30 - 18:30) Senatssaal
Chair: Josef Mitterer
16:30-17:10 Jack Lochhead
Obstructions to Constructivism
17:10-17:50 Verena Geissler, Dagmar Giese
17:50-18:30 August Fenk
Anticipation without Redundancy?
18:30 - 19:15 Book Presentation
Ranulph Glanville: The Black B?x, vol. 3: 39 Steps. Wien:edition echoraum
Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes: Gordon Pask’s Encounters: From a Childhood Curiosity to the Envisioning of an Evolving Environment. Exchanges between Cybernetics and Architecture. Wien:edition echoraum
Karl H. Müller: The New Science of Cybernetics. The Evolution of Living Research Designs, vol. I: Methodology. Wien:edition echoraum