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Regulation of Violence:
On the Body, Otherness and the Crisis of (Human) Capital
A violent imposition of divide and conquer ideology is used to maintain a normalized status inside of the invisible borders that the “other” is forced to protect. The body, therefore, replaces the border of this very regulation. The body receives direct and displaced violence, and through the continuous regulation of racial and gender stereotypes and divisions, it more visibly marks this pathological social dichotomy and acts as a landscape for global violence with the role as a de-territorialized colony of the empire.
A workshop / exhibition, consisting of talks, interviews, artworks, a discussion and a performance will examine the violent regulation the economy imposes onto life, bodies and society. Artistic, theoretical and activist positions will analyze how economic deregulation functions to regulate the social, with a focus on how gender and “otherness” are produced, and which socially resistant practices hold relevance within this scenario. A booklet of interviews with the international contributors is included.
With Gudrun Ankele, Ricarda Denzer, Lina Dokuzovic, Silvia Federici, Vlatka Frketic, Marina Grzinic, h.arta, Ana Hoffner, Ivana Marjanovic, Sascha Reichstein, Johanna Schaffer, Khadija Sharife and Stasa Zajovic
Exhibition duration: October 8-31st, 2009
Opening hours: Thursday-Saturday: 4-7pm
Workshop: October 3rd 2009, 3-7pm:
Introduction by Lina Dokuzovic (English)
Imposing Violence onto the Body of the “Other”
Vlatka Frketic, Johanna Schaffer
Strategies of Queer and Feminist Resistance
Ivana Marjanovic (English), Gudrun Ankele
Globalization and Women’s Labor (video screenings)
“Daily Production” by Sascha Reichstein
“La croute du chou - Das Saure vom Kraut” by Ricarda Denzer
Discussion (English):
How Can We Relate Gender / Otherness, Class and Capital?
With Gudrun Ankele, Ricarda Denzer, Lina Dokuzovic, Vlatka Frketic, Ana Hoffner, Ivana Marjanovic, Sascha Reichstein and Johanna Schaffer
Exhibition opening:
Lecture performance by Ana Hoffner