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The Július Koller Society and the Slovak National Gallery are proud to present
the first international conference on the oeuvre of Július Koller (1939–2007).
Date: 23–26 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 09
10:30 Hans Ulrich Obrist: Július Koller Interview Marathon
Milan Adamčiak, László Beke, Stano Filko, Klaus Groh, Jiří Kovanda, Alex Mlynárčik, Jiří Ševčík, Mladen Stilinović, Tomáš Strauss, Timm Ulrichs, Jiří Valoch and others
Shuttle Service from Vienna:
Between Friday 24 and Sunday 26 April 2009 a free daily bus service Vienna – Bratislava – Vienna is available.
Information: www.sjk.sk; reservation: sjk@sjk.sk.
“Július Koller U.F.O.-naut?” is a co-production of The Július Koller Society and The Slovak National Gallery
The Július Koller Society
Honorary President: Květoslava Fulierová
Founding Members: Georg Schöllhammer (chair), Mária Hlavajová, Aurel Hrabušický, Naďa Lovišková, Roman Ondák, Boris Ondreička, Kathrin Rhomberg.
Researcher: Daniel Grúň
Organization: Ina Mertens
Slovak National Gallery
Director General: Katarína Bajcurová
Researchers: Vladimíra Büngerová, Petra Hanáková, Aurel Hrabušický, Katarína Müllerová
Organization: Communication centre SNG, Secretariat of Art Collections SNG - Ľuba Maceková, Silvia Morávková