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The Július Koller Society and the Slovak National Gallery are proud to present
the first international conference on the oeuvre of Július Koller (1939–2007).
Date: 23–26 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Third Session 10:30–13:00
Moderated by Charles Esche (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven)
10:30 Insight Július Koller
Lucia Gregorová (Bratislava)
“The artist and his Central-European Destiny (Reading Koller in the Socio-Political Context)”
Łukasz Ronduda (Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw)
“The Post-essentialist Artistic Activity of Július Koller”
11:45 Panel
Zuzana Bartošová (Institute of Art History, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava), Nataša Ilić (WHW, Zagreb and 11th Istanbul Biennale), Jiří Ševčík (Academy of Fine Arts, Prague) and Łukasz Ronduda
12:30–13:00 Discussion
13:00–14:30 Lunch Break
Fourth Session 14:30–17:00
Moderated by Charles Esche
14:30 Insight Július Koller
Katarína Müllerová (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava)
“Reflections on Koller’s Work in Foreign Expert Texts and his Account of the International Art Scene”
Andrea Giunta (University of Texas, Austin) “Conspiracy & Conceptualism in Latin American Art. Imageries of Institutional Destabilization”
15:45 Panel
Lynne Cooke (Dia Art Foundation, New York / Centro Reina Sofia, Madrid), Joanna Mytkowska (Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw), Georg Schöllhammer and Andrea Giunta
16:30–17:00 Discussion
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Insight Július Koller
Vladimíra Büngerová (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava)
“Koller in a Team (Koller’s cooperation with other authors, especially in association with Nová vážnosť [New Seriousness])”
18:00 Artist’s Panel
Moderated by Vít Havránek
Peter Bartoš (Bratislava), Peter Čepec (Bratislava), Ľubomír Ďurček (Bratislava), Peter Rónai (Bratislava)
Shuttle Service from Vienna:
Between Friday 24 and Sunday 26 April 2009 a free daily bus service Vienna – Bratislava – Vienna is available.
Information: www.sjk.sk; reservation: sjk@sjk.sk.