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im weissen haus
am Samstag, 26.07.2008, 16 - 22h
Präsentation der Installation “Abbreviation” von Wendelin Pressl
17h Kinderführung mit Herbert Justnik
19h Führung mit Hanakam & Schuller und Letizia Werth durch ihre Ausstellungen
Open Studio mit Jason Lazarus, artist in residence, Chicago/USA:
“do you remember who introduced you to the band nirvana? if so, and
you have a snapshot of that person, bring it to das weisse haus to
participate in jason lazarus’ nirvana project, viewable at
jasonlazarus.com. the snapshot should be of the person that
introduced you to or got you into nirvana, and should be from around
that time. many of these snapshots are from the early-mid nineties.
during his open studio, jason will scan your picture for his project
and conduct a short interview with you about how it happened. he
looks forward to seeing your snapshots.”
- Goodies, Musik, Essen, Getränke, …