
Forest Factory

Musik Klangkunst Performance
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBtAdjyTNjamBDOxWBu
1 Termin
Donnerstag 18. Jänner 2024
18. Jän. 2024
Forest Factory

Andreas Trobollowitsch und Elvin Brandhi
eingeladen von
Hans Jürgen Hauptmann
Beginn 20h

Forest Factory is an entanglement of flora and thorns, immaterial industries of receptive amplification, and enhancement of forest force.
A non-anthropocentric meeting of organic and inorganic matter, inverting the hierarchies of industrial demand. Forest Factory is fueled by the voices and personalities that make up a tree- city, learning from the forest indifference to computational despair. Our anti-extractive attention technique aims to eternalise the forest’s depth, via active listening and transgression of leaf-speak into digitally commutable frequencies
and performable forms.


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