
Josef Strau: Hypostasicisms

Bildende Kunst Eröffnung
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1 Termin
bis Samstag 27. Jänner
6. Dez. 2023 -
Sa 27. Jän. 2024
Josef Strau: Hypostasicisms

Opening Wednesday 6.12.23, 6–8pm

The aim of this one-time experiment called „Hypostasicisms“ was to emerge into the so called Neoplatonic metaphysics, to very practically concentrate on the possible applications of their most idealistic discourses as on the understanding of the forces of the universes with their distinct spheres, in between spiritual movements, gravitations and attractions, the separations of times and the different worlds in general and in the particulars on observing the sphere of the here and now during the moments of creation in the production of the works exhibited. Zooming down these Neoplatonic inspirations and models, down to the everyday practice of the artists temporal studio situation in the extensive dimensions of the Viennese Ringstraßen areas building. Possibly or actually finding a new philosophical Sachlichkeit in the most metaphysical methods.


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