
How long have you been blind

Bildende Kunst Eröffnung Gruppenausstellung
Von Dienstag
14. November
bis Samstag
20. Jänner
Burggasse 24/4
1070 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBtHWtud8KCFb50kGXi

Curated by: Forma Foco & ENTRE
Inauguration: 14 November, 17-21h at ENTRE

Vienna Art Week guided tour: 17 November, 17h

How Long Have You Been Blind focuses on the events in Cuba of July 11, 2021, when the Cuban people staged the largest anti-government protests recorded since the revolutionaries took power in 1959. The protests were violently suppressed, resulting in 1,878 arrests. Through experimental uses of immersive technologies, this exhibition invites reflection on how the international public has long overlooked and underestimated the Cuban reality, one that lies in stark contrast to utopian visions that idealize the revolutionary project. The exhibition includes works by Hassan-Quintela collective, Camila Lobón, Kiko Faxas, and Yimit Ramírez, many of whom will be present at the inauguration on 14 November at 17-21h. All events are free and open to the public. The exhibition is curated by Forma Foco and ENTRE (Marilyn Volkman), and featured in Vienna Art Week’s Inciting Passion.

Support by the Austrian Ministry of the Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Vienna Art Week, VOC, and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)

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