
Vienna Design Week: A House is not a Home

Design Urbanismus Eröffnung Gruppenausstellung Festival
Von Donnerstag
28. September
bis Samstag
30. September
Never at Home (Sachsenplatz)
Sachsenplatz 4-6
1200 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBtMhc1lFNaYntyfiLi

Tonica Hunter

28.–30.9.2023, 12–18 Uhr
Eröffnung: 28.9.2023, 18 Uhr

„A chair is still a chair, even when there’s no one sittin’ there. But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home. […] A room is still a room, oh, even when there’s nothin’ there but gloom. But a room is not a house and a house is not a home.”

A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME is a multimedia exhibition and happening which raises the question of function and homemaking by deconstructing ideas of living as well as observing (consciously or subconsciously) and understanding home and housing. Spanning design, gastronomy, photography, video, and performance, the exhibition sheds light on the importance of critically assessing the acts of consumption and ‚occupation‘ (space, home, and ownership) in art, culture, and society from multiple viewpoints and angles.“

Mit Arbeiten von: Alexandra Stanić, Galerie Zippenfenig featuring Helmut Palla, Simone Raihmann, Daliah Touré, Brooklyn J. Pakathi und Laurène Southe


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