
4/Y - Anywhere But Here - Storytelling as Reaching Gesture Event

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15. Juli
1040 Wien
- Teich vor der Karlskirche
Veranstaltet von:
Bildende Kunst Ausstellung Performance

Publication Release by ____TIM NOLAS

Sa 15.07. 19-22h
at the pond in front of Karlskirche

4/Y - Anywhere But Here - Storytelling as Reaching Gesture

with works by
Anahita Asadifar
Nana Mandl
Anna Schachinger
Marianne Vlaschits

4/ is a nomadic project by _____TIM NOLAS that thinks of the book space as an open gallery. For each exhibition four artists are invited to design a room. The starting point for the first four editions is one of the four basic tones of the digital printing color spectrum CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow and key (the black component). ­4/ approaches thematically certain moods and experiences or their absence, as well as the changing of spatial and temporal perception. With light backing from the colored white cube, 4/ opens up to dialogue with its surroundings both through its presentation in public places and through its ­mobility. 4/ sets the stage for the potential of the miniature space to challenge economic as well as spatial distances.


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