
Finissage: Nadim Vardag Event

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Bildende Kunst Ausstellung

Saturday, April 29, 13.00—16.00


Nadim Vardag
March 17–April 15, 2023

Condition—a state of being. But perhaps also: the conditions (not quite the same). The concrete constitution of something, this condition or that one. Or: the conditions that are like this and not different. In this respect, the sober title of Nadim Vardag’s exhibition already entails everything: namely the concrete being of an object in a particular environment, and this also means how this environment, in the sense of a frame, determines that and how something is perceived, for instance, as art (the conditions of reception). Moreover: under which conditions these objects, which one calls art, are created at all (the conditions of production). The conditions always determine the condition. Determine the process and product and stipulate what needs to be done. What is possible and what is not. And how something looks.


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