
Der Blöde Dritte Mittwoch #124 Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBtgMVEAWvO6LhpUBsu
18. Jänner
Musik Klangkunst Performance Konzert Musikperformance

Le program:

*** »*WOMEN« // Karin Fisslthaler : Cherry Sunkist [Live A/V Performance]
*** Conversation #1 // Clélia Colonna: voice, Alexander Gottfarb:
dance [Performance]
*** SCH // Irene Kepl: Geige, Richie Herbst: Synthesizer [konzert]

*** »*WOMEN« // Karin Fisslthaler : Cherry Sunkist [Live A/V Performance]
»*Women«, is an experimental Audio/Video Live Performance about the subjective significance of role models and its impact on gender constructions, representation
and identity. Since 2011 this work has been extended, developed and modified by
adding new portraits to the piece, and thus creating a fluid self-portrait of my own
socialisation, without me appearing as a person.

*** Conversation #1 // Clélia Colonna: voice, Alexander Gottfarb: dance [Performance]
Clélia Colonna and Alexander Gottfarb meet in one long dance and voice
crescendo. Both artists share a passion for repetitive and transformative expressions and in Conversation they come together and share their performative practices. They move through a landscape where voice and movement flow together
and into each other. What emerges is a vibratory expression, a hybrid body that
shakes the senses.

*** SCH // Irene Kepl: Geige,
Richie Herbst: Synthesizer [konzert]
Irene Kepl und Richie Herbst studieren nun den Lärm von Meeresrauschen und die
Ruhe in dessen ständiger, kaum berechenbarer Bewegung, das Schwanken,
Schwimmen und Schweben, das Abtauchen im Sog von tiefen, weiten Wellen, im
Spielen mit Walen und anderem klapperndem Getier. Dazwischen lauschen Sie.


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