
CIVA: fail to be Tour

Medien & Technologie Führung Ausstellung Festival
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBu6fpWHIgZfGxMuR0O
1 Termin
Mittwoch 23. Februar 2022
23. Feb. 2022
CIVA: fail to be Tour

fail to be.
embody. dissociate. glitch.
with Djamila Grandits

going into the physical, haptic and affective experience of the space. affirming the in-between. finding distances and proximities. exchanging on possibilities, desires and strategies of being and not.

Tour will be held in German & English.

23 February 22, 15:00, Belvedere21
24 February 22, 17:00, Belvedere21

If your are interested in any private tours, please get in touch with us via info@soundframe.at!

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