
Finissage: Black History Month Event

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04. März
Veranstaltet von:
Bildende Kunst Gruppenausstellung

Abschluss des Ausstellungsprojekts Black History Month – my/his/her/queer-story wasn’t taught at school im Rahmen von Queer Museum @ Volkskundemuseum Wien.

The concept for the exhibition is a focus on black queer history. With February being known for being Black History Month (BHM) in the USA and Canada, we will use this opportunity to highlight and discuss Black Queer History in the context of Vienna. Especially since our daily media consumption is very much influenced by the US anyway, the online platforms will be on alert and everybody will get their share of BHM somehow through screens.

Offline I want to invite a variety of artists, discussing Black Queerness and the intersection of racial and sexual discrimination in their works. What and how different black queer personalities deal with that shared struggle. How can non-queer Black people sympathize and support the queer struggle. Especially on the African continent there is still a very huge negative stigma and criminalization around queerness.

The project “my/his/her/queer-story wasn’t taught at school” invites Black Queer Vienna based, Austrian raised artists, to take up space at Volkskundemuseum Wien, telling their own histories and struggles with growing up and living in a white heteronormative country. Non-queer Black artists will be invited to share, how they have overcome this internalized homophobia and what it means to be an ally to the Black Queer-Community.

Kuratierung: Mirabella Paidamwoyo Dziruni

Ausstellung: Fr., 11.2. bis Fr, 4.3.2022
Eröffnung: Do, 10.2.2022, 18.00 Uhr
Finissage: Fr, 4.3.2022

Im Rahmen des Queer Museum Vienna, das von Jänner bis Juni 2022 im Volkskundemuseum Wien zu Gast ist.


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