
Game Design & Development Workflows Event

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26. Jänner
- https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/62160851070?pwd=SW1VRmVtOC9ENUdHVE9NS2o1SE5PUT09
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Medien & Technologie Vortrag

Game Design & Development Workflows
Lecture by Kathrin Radtke, Spellgarden Games

As part of the new Angewandte Coding Lab the course “Artful Coding: web-based games development 1” premiered in this current winter semester, introducing Angewandte students to concepts of web development for the creation of browser-based game prototypes.
For our final session on Wed. 26 Jan, Kathrin Radtke of Spellgarden Games will join us with a guest lecture on “Game Design & Development Workflows”, to shed some light on all the processes involved in creating full-fledged digital games in multi-disciplinary teams of coders, designers, storytellers, artists, gamers, testers and many more.

The lecture is public and held over Zoom. It begins on 15:30. You can join by following this link:
( If the passcode is not automatically detected, use this: 928507 )

Kathrin Radtke is a game programmer based in Stuttgart, Germany. After her computer science degree, she started working at the indie game studio “Studio Fizbin” in 2016 where she was part of the team for games like “The Inner World”, “Minute of Islands” and Lead Programmer for “Say No! More”. In 2021 she founded her own indie game studio “Spellgarden Games”.

In her free time, Kathrin volunteers for the non-profit association “Ready to Code”, which advocates more gender equality in computer science. She is giving programming workshops and organizing networking events.

Spellgarden Games: https://spellgardengames.com/
Kathrin’s Twitter outlet: https://twitter.com/RadtkeKathrin


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