
curated by Lisa Long

Bildende Kunst Kunstfestival Kunstausstellung
Von Samstag
04. September
bis Samstag
02. Oktober
Galerie Sophie Tappeiner
An der Hülben 3
1010 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBuEWM5pjlJVGHNl3Bt

Lisa Long

Zuzanna Czebatul, Jesse Darling, Reba Maybury, Ebecho Muslimova, Liesl Raff, Melanie Jame Wolf

PUT A SOCK IN IT! explores the relationships between comedy, power, ethics, sexuality, and desire, coming to the conclusion that comedy produces spaces of disidentification, and that it can turn hegemony on its head by never upholding the status quo. Afterall, who and what is considered funny or what is seen as humorless is defined by structural hierarchies. Why is one told to put a sock in it? You’ll either get it, or you won’t.

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