
curated by Olesya Turkina

Bildende Kunst Kunstfestival Kunstausstellung
Von Samstag
04. September
bis Samstag
02. Oktober
Galerie Charim
Dorotheergasse 12/1
1010 Wien
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Olesya Turkina

Tanya Akhmetgalieva, Zoe Beloff, Anna Jermolaewa, Pavel Pepperstein

History repeats itself twice, first as a tragedy, then as a farce

The title of the show refers to the most quoted and misquoted phrase from Karl Marx’s “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon” in which he refers to Hegel’s idea about important historical events and persons appearing twice.1 The show presents artists who are working with the carnivalesque character of history in these changing political circumstances. Revolution creates pathos that attempts to conquer the future – Cronus swallows his children, and the counterrevolution vomits back time – anorexia caused by the fear of the overwhelming return of the living dead.

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