
Big Ideas: Kosta Tonev Event

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Von Donnerstag
10. Dezember
bis Mittwoch
16. Dezember
Bildende Kunst Installation

BIG IDEAS – Political Ideologies and their aftermath
03/12/2020 – 08/01/2021
Sarri Elfaitouri, Soukaina Joual, Yoshinori Niwa, Kosta Tonev
curated by Christine Bruckbauer and Elisabeth Piskernik

Due to the current governmental COVID-19 Regulations we adapted the exhibition scenography by presenting the art works in the big show window and on the pavement area in front of philomena+ !

Kosta Tonev, Dolls, video installation
10/12/ – 16/12/2020, philomena+ vitrine

Kosta Tonev’s artistic practice is characterized by a research-based examination of political issues. While in recent years it was the entry of liberal capitalism into the former “Second World” that was his interest, the Bulgarian-born artist, who lives in Vienna, now looks beyond Europe for this exhibition and delivers a play in which Mao and Gaddafi resurrect as mass-produced toy figures. In a turbulent, humorous conversation, the chairman and colonel reflect on their past rule, American imperialism, revolutionary ideas, and the fact that they may find themselves on the wrong side of history. There is also a competition in terms of the relevance/uniqueness of their ideas.


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