
Lebenswelt Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBv0UxaJzOGEkO8AgKr
Von Donnerstag
12. Dezember
bis Donnerstag
19. Dezember
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung

Join us for the opening of Petra Feriancovás Show “Lebenswelt” at 7 pm!

Anyone unfamiliar with the biology of the venomous Portuguese man-of-war would likely mistake it for a jellyfish. Not only is it not a jellyfish, it’s not even an “it,” but a “they.” The Portuguese man-of-war is a siphonophore, an animal made up of a colony of organisms working together.
Source: National Geographic

A new project for SO by Petra Feriancová brings and naturally intertwines the archeology of architectural archetypes, art historical connotations of the color blue, and the inherent fluidity of an elusive sea organism. A carefully composed choreography will navigate the visitors from the inside to the outside, and vice versa, allowing for a reciprocated reading and the reversal of gazes. All which used to be vertical shifts to the horizontal.

See you at SO!


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