
Stiege 13: Andreas Waldén Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBv7rqg4RdrNofaGFnY
Von Freitag
13. September
bis Sonntag
06. Oktober
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung

Eröffnung: Freitag, 13. September 2019, 18.00-22.00 Uhr
Dauer: 14.09.-06.10.2019 (by appointment: stiegedreizehn@gmail.com)

Sam Basu: What is geometric space?

Andreas Waldén: Well to get down to it, the word geometry means ”to measure the earth”. I guess in a sense this could be used to explain to a certain extent some art production. Is it a kind of measuring that is going on, trying to fix, or understand the world around us? Painting for me has a lot to do with investigation. Every line, mark or shape is a question. Can I go here? Is this going to get me somewhere? How about this? How does this interfere with that and so on. It is always relative.
The lines in my paintings might represent a kind of path or train of thought. Though sometimes they do look like they would be a part of an architectural creation, they still behave as a kind of flat almost printed line or maybe even a part of a letter. I always realize that the lines change. They move in and out of their meaning. They start off as outlines of maybe sculptures or imagined buildings, dream architecture, but then they sometimes change, in the same image and they become roads, paths. The lines are outlines and also they are themselves the construction, they always shift in and out of that. At least they refuse to be fixed. Yes my paintings can somehow be called maps, maps of dreamed architecture, maps of imagined travels, fragments of thoughts.

Nächste Ausstellung von Sort Eröffnung 10. Oktober.


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