
Der springende Punkt Event

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Von Donnerstag
08. August
bis Donnerstag
29. August
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung

By Ted Green & Sven Jirka
Students at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.

9 August- 29 August

Opening Reception
Thursday 8 August, 6 p.m.
In the presence of the artists

Ted Green and Sven Jirka, students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, present „Der springende Punkt“. An exhibition portraying the dialogue between the two artists with the focus being on a specific, memorable and nostalgic object - The Bouncy Ball. This nostalgic element of the Bouncy Ball is reinterpreted through their creation of a large scale installation that occupies, unites and visualises the two approaches of the artists.
The simultaneous presence of coincidence and meticulousness determines the outcome of “Der springende Punkt” (which best translated becomes the idiom, “The Heart of the Matter.”) The duo are reminiscing about a lost treasure, an object of childhood and a symbol of sentimental recollection.
After extensive research on the historical use of the Bouncy Ball in film, music and science, Green and Jirka decided to bring to light the resonance that the object holds, taking in consideration discourses relating to matters of mass production and science. Each number involved in the exhibition is significant in representing chemical temperatures, amounts of pressure, optimum heights, angles, velocity and even sales figures, whilst simultaneously, losing control. The specificity of their method of production contrasts with the final outcome of the works.

Therefore, what is “Der springende Punkt“? The constant need for focus, order and targets or the ability to reminisce, gamble and embrace serendipity.


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