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Ängste und bunte Lagunen
mit Beiträgen von:
Selvedin Avdić
Selma Selman
Darko Miličević
Ⓐusländer (LIVE-Auftritt)
Selma Klima
kuratiert von Anamarija Batista
dj line: DJane
Excerpt from the book Seven Terrors by Selvedin Avdić, istrosbooks 2013
Fear of mirrors
When the world is finally silenced, in the cleft stick between night and morning, while darkness slowly mixes with the light, I am afraid to go up to a mirror. I am not sure what I might then see in it. Now, when I think about it, I think I am most afraid of the possibility that I remain completely the same in my reflection, while the things around me become different.
Fear of lonely houses
I am afraid that houses in isolation have succeeded in building their own world, which violates all boundaries and rules.
Fear of shameful death
I am not sure if I can properly explain this fear, because the boundaries of shame are written differently for each person. But, let’s say, it would indeed be shameful if a big fish ate me and took me to the furthest bay to digest me in peace. Or if I died of explosive diarrhoea at a theatre premiere. Of course, it would also be terrible to die alone. If my neighbours noticed my disappearance only when worms from my body began to invade their apartments.
Fear of enormous things
I one visited a factory where there was a press which weighed several tonnes. I stood beside it, terrified by its dreadful strength. I feel the same type of fear near an open space, in front of the high seas, or a soulless pain … I am frightened, too, by assertions about the infinity of the universe, the theory that before the Big Bang there was neither time nor space, and that the whole world is made up of one-dimensional cords which have only length.
Fear of large forests
In deep forests, which have succeeded in avoiding the touch of man, ancient secrets still live, because nature has developed there of its own will. And what hero can know Nature’s will?
Fear of madness
Although, I try to console myself, when a man goes mad, then he is not conscious that he is behaving differently from other people. In my town, during the war a young woman used to walk about completely unaccountable for her actions and quite naked. While she slowly walked she looked like a film clip from a nightmare. People called her by the nickname Lepa Brena, ‘Beautiful Brena’.
Fear of loneliness and darkness
Better to write and describe it like this - fear of loneliness or darkness. It’s all the same, they both devour.
Experimental hardcore underground performance presented in the manner of anti - art that rejects framed and conventional standards.
Voice: MM
Voice & Keyboards: BB
Electronics & Sitār: ÖS
E-Bass: EW
Synth: NS
Synth: RR
Drums: MM
Installation: ETC
Selvedin Avdić
Selvedin Avdić’s first book was a collection of short stories called ‘Tenants and other Phantoms’, a tourist guide to the historic Bosnian town of Jajca and a factual account of Zenica prison. His short stories have also appeared in various anthologies and collections and he has also written a biography of his hometown, Zenica, entitled ‘My Factory’, which has been adapted into a theatre play.
He works as the editor-in-chief of the online magazine urnal. His first novel, ‘Seven Terrors’, was published in 2010 and was immediately short-listed for one of the most prestigious literary awards in the region. The English edition of ‘Seven Terrors’ made its way to the shortlist for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award in 2014 and was long-listed for the Dublin IMPAC Literary Award. Avdić’s new novel, ‘A Drop of Joy’, was published in Bosnian in 2018 with an English edition to follow shortly.
Seven Terrors , istrosbooks 2013
After nine months of self-imposed isolation following his wife’s departure, the hero of Seven Terrors finally decides to face his loneliness and join the world once more. However, when the daughter of his old friend Alex appears in his flat one morning with the news that her father has disappeared, he realises that his life is again about to change. As the two search for clues in Alex’s war diary, unearthed in a library in Sweden, they come upon tales of unspeakable horror and mystery: meetings with ghosts, a town under siege, demonic brothers who ride on the wings of war, and many more things so dangerous - and so precious - that they can only be discussed by the dead.
Selma Selman
(b.1991) comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina and is of Romani origin. Her work embodies the struggles of her own life as well as her community, employing a plethora of media such as performance, painting, photography and video installations. Selman defines herself as an artist of Roma origins, and not a Romani artist, a subtle, yet critical distinction in her work. Her aim is to break down the prejudice which essentializes her community to the lowest common denominator denying them of the right to self expression. Selman utilizes her personal background as a lens through which she can understand the universal human condition and its idiosyncrasies .
She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2014 from Banja Luka University´s Department of Painting, where she studied under the supervision of Veso Sovilj, and worked with renowned Bosnian performance artist Mladen Miljanovic, who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 55th Venice Biennial in 2013. She is currently pursuing her MFA at Syracuse University where she is also teaching art.
As someone who has a dual nationality, and lives as an immigrant in the USA, I am constantly faced with the effects and pressures of conflicting identities which I have begun expressing through artworks. I perform this immaterial contradiction through a performance executed live and in virtual reality. For 3 rounds, I don boxing gloves to attack, defend and coach myself simultaneously.
I fought, protected and trained myself much like the quantum atoms which can simultaneously exist anywhere.
With my body and identities - Roma, female and immigrant, I can become anything necessary as the circumstance demands. Similar to the impossible situation which I am performing, I become my own opponent, my trainer and my hero.
Trieste Contemporanea 2018
Darko Miličević
works as architect, stage and exhibition designer. He studied at Technical University in Sarajevo and at HCU Hamburg. His designs for theaters and exhibitions have been seen at such venues as frei_raum Q21, Galerie 5020, Künstlerhaus Wien, Bosnian National Theater in Zenica, Sarajevo Youth Theater etc.
“Here and There”, Ödön Von Horváth, Sarajevo Youth Theater 2018
Selma Klima
*1994 in Vienna, is currently studying at the University of applied arts Vienna; department Sculpture and Space. She would not remember, the simple rules her friends had taught her: such as that a red hot poker will burn you in the end if you hold it too long; And that, if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds.
Jana Dolecki
(1979, Zagreb) is a journalist, theatrologist, cultural producer, and PhD candidate at the Institute for Theater, Film, and Media in Vienna, on the topic of theater in the context of the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s. She is the co-founder, producer, and active associate of several independent cultural organizations, initiatives, and manifestations in Vienna (PLATFORMA; Festival of Alternative Choirs; BLOCKFREI), as well as the co-founder of the UUR! Literary Festival taking place in Korčula, Croatia.
She is the conductor of the Viennese choir HOR 29. Novembar, a singing self-organized collective dedicated to anti-fascistic, workers’, and migratory musical heritage. She is also the conductor of the Children’s Choir of the Brunnenpassage cultural center. She has worked as an independent cultural producer on several projects taking place in Vienna, dealing with the topic of ex-Yugoslav migration (WIENWOCHE2016 and WIENWOCHE2017). She has been professionally active in several theaters and theatrical projects in Croatia, Serbia, Austria, and France, and has been working as a theater correspondent and journalist for different Croatian media (kulturpunkt.hr, kazaliste.hr, etc.)
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