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With soundworks by
Manuel Cyrill Bachinger & Erika Farina (MCBEF)
Joul Biswurm & Juan Vera // Stefano D’Alessio
Yael Fides Fidesser & Cecilie Kamelreiter
Thu Trang Ha/Shinsekai // Patrick K.-H.
Rafael Lippuner // Clemens Miggitsch
fresh name // John Sauter
Jakob Schauer // Darja Shatalova
Johanna Stief // Michel Strümpf
The exhibited audio works were submitted for the „call to sound“ open call and will be published on the 12th of December on a-k-a.at.
aka (angewandte kunst audio) is an autonomous audio platform by students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The platform itself can be seen as a space encouraging creative input relying solely on auditive mediums without any visual elements.