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SUBOTRON pro games: Live Pitch of Austrian Games #11: Student Projects
To get feedback on a game in development, you would usually ask your (favourable) friends or beta testers rather than impartial industry keyplayers who can make a firm but fair assessment, put their finger on inaccuracies and errors so as to point game developers in the right direction. That’s exactly why SUBOTRON founded the series “Live Pitch of Austrian Games” in 2012.
Nomination with an ensuing Pitching Workshop
Out of a call, the jurors have picked games whose developers were provided with a Pitching Workshop. The workshop served not only as a preparation for this night, but also as an ideal communication training for the current and future games projects.
Each representative of the nominated games is given ten minutes to convince the three jurors of their project who give immediate feedback. Not only the presentation is being evaluated, but also the game itself. Was the teaser significant? Is the game play conclusive and the target group identified? What is the prospect on the aimed at market? Are the conceptions regarding financing models, marketing strategies and sales promising?
Would the developer be able to tease an AAA publisher in the elevator of a conference hotel so he decides to arrange an appointment? Does the game have a USP that makes investors and business angels prick up their ears?
Presenter: Robert Glashüttner (ORF/FM4)